Saturday, December 31, 2011

Best of 2011 by Sara Peté

1. alice bag reading and playing at the olympia timberland library and her rad book "violence girl: from east LA rage to hollywood stage - a chicana punk story"

2. favorite new band of 2011:  hooded hags... favorite band that ended in 2011: cat fancy!

3. the maxines on narduar's radio show, at the olympia timberland library and their 2011 recordings

4. dj shannon and nadia buyse playing only the ladies and raising money for planned parenthood at the tonic in portland

5. san pedro el cortez (SPEC)... all the way from tijuana...  and gun outfit show at the phoenix house

6. animals and men at northern

7. favorite repeat live show offenders of 2011:  ghost mom, nucular aminals and november witch

8. experimental films at the library!  kinema nippon, "klute" by dylan sharp, and "everything and nothing again and again" by reid urban

9. seeing a north korean monster movie (pulgasari) on the day of kim jong il's funeral in savannah georgia thanks to the psychotronic film society

10. 28th annual olympia film festival... especially "blossoms of fire" and q&a with maureen gosling and "always for pleasure" with les blank 

very honorable mentions to:   

sarah adams' feminist consciousness raising show at northern and all the other planned parenthood fundraising and support of 2011


merle haggard and kris kristofferson live at the casino in shelton, wa.  

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