Happy New Year!
here's my list
fav recordings-
1. Comet Gain Broken Record Prayers LP (which was on my 2008 list but I guess actually came out this year?)
2. Magik Markers Balf Quarry LP (Drag City)
3. Yellow Fever S/T LP (Wild World)
4. Frankie Rose The Only One 7" (Slumberland)
5. OOIOO Armonico Hewa CD (Thrill Jockey)
6. Joey Casio Debtors Prism b/w Artists in Times of War 7" (K)
7. Pink Dollaz on youtube
6. Brilliant Colors-Introducing LP (Slumberland)
9. Grass Widow 12" (Captured Tracks) & LP (Make a Mess)
10. Vivian Girls Everything Goes Wrong LP (In the Red)
11. Rye Rye & MIA- Bang
12. Finally Punk-Casual Goths (Army of Bad Luck)
13. Sonic Youth -Sacred Trickster
14. Explode Into Colors 7" series (KRS/M'Lady'S/Just For The Hell Of IT)
15. Mika Miko We Be Xuxa (PPM)
fav live shows-
1. Zaimph at Olympia Experimental Music Festival (Northern)
2. Magik Markes & Sic Alps at ABC House
3. Raincoats & Viv Albertine live in SF at Part Time Punks Festival
4. Blood Bones/Awesomes/Broken Water at Bike-n- Bike
5. Stoned at Heart & Underground Railroad to Candyland in Craig's Basement
6. White Magic & Sedan at The Big Room
7. White Lung & Broken Water at Northern
8. Dum Dum Girls live on youtube
9. Nite Jewel live at Northern
10. Monster Women at the Brotherhood
11. Calvin Johson, Spider and the Webs & Girl Trouble at The Big Room
12. Chain and the Gang at Northern
13. Joey Casio record release party at Northern
14. Wolves in the Throne Room-Mt Eerie-Son Skull at The Big Room
15. Little Claw opening for Blank Dogs at The Big Room
16. PRE & Joey Casio at The Big Room
17. Mecca Normal 25th anniversary tour show at Bike-n-Bike
18. Black Rainbow & Spider and the Webs at Punk Brunch (Easter)
19. Raincoats -Panther-Explode Into Colors live in PDX
20. MIA performing 9 months pregnant on the Grammy's!!!!!