Happy New Year!
here's my list
fav recordings-
1. Comet Gain Broken Record Prayers LP (which was on my 2008 list but I guess actually came out this year?)
2. Magik Markers Balf Quarry LP (Drag City)
3. Yellow Fever S/T LP (Wild World)
4. Frankie Rose The Only One 7" (Slumberland)
5. OOIOO Armonico Hewa CD (Thrill Jockey)
6. Joey Casio Debtors Prism b/w Artists in Times of War 7" (K)
7. Pink Dollaz on youtube
6. Brilliant Colors-Introducing LP (Slumberland)
9. Grass Widow 12" (Captured Tracks) & LP (Make a Mess)
10. Vivian Girls Everything Goes Wrong LP (In the Red)
11. Rye Rye & MIA- Bang
12. Finally Punk-Casual Goths (Army of Bad Luck)
13. Sonic Youth -Sacred Trickster
14. Explode Into Colors 7" series (KRS/M'Lady'S/Just For The Hell Of IT)
15. Mika Miko We Be Xuxa (PPM)
fav live shows-
1. Zaimph at Olympia Experimental Music Festival (Northern)
2. Magik Markes & Sic Alps at ABC House
3. Raincoats & Viv Albertine live in SF at Part Time Punks Festival
4. Blood Bones/Awesomes/Broken Water at Bike-n- Bike
5. Stoned at Heart & Underground Railroad to Candyland in Craig's Basement
6. White Magic & Sedan at The Big Room
7. White Lung & Broken Water at Northern
8. Dum Dum Girls live on youtube
9. Nite Jewel live at Northern
10. Monster Women at the Brotherhood
11. Calvin Johson, Spider and the Webs & Girl Trouble at The Big Room
12. Chain and the Gang at Northern
13. Joey Casio record release party at Northern
14. Wolves in the Throne Room-Mt Eerie-Son Skull at The Big Room
15. Little Claw opening for Blank Dogs at The Big Room
16. PRE & Joey Casio at The Big Room
17. Mecca Normal 25th anniversary tour show at Bike-n-Bike
18. Black Rainbow & Spider and the Webs at Punk Brunch (Easter)
19. Raincoats -Panther-Explode Into Colors live in PDX
20. MIA performing 9 months pregnant on the Grammy's!!!!!
Thanks for this (and the Go Team diarys!). Loads of brilliant records I've missed this year apparently. The Yellow Fever, OOIOO and Explode Into Colors records were amazing.
My own list is here http://bit.ly/77J47z
Happy 2010
Hey tobi is that you with the kiss make up cuz on your other blog "Tabitha Says" you have a photo with a similar make up....
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