Mecca Normal literally IN the books to prisoners dollar bin.... Jean and David made and sold art to benefit BTP.. awesome!
Tara Tavi playing some crazy Chinese dolsamer and showing her movie about Chinese folk musicians next to the books to prisoners dollar bin.
Jesski Skyes and the Sweet Here After with Earth at the Eagle's Ballroom
Pussy Gutt at the Hall of the Woods
Spider and the Webs at the v hole, I was really bummed out before I went to this show, then the music and energy was so good that it totally made me feel better. I just closed my eyes and danced like a big geek with all the other geeks. It was cool.
Kimya in her back yard, I took my buddy anabel to the show, I give her drum/bass/guitar lessons and we huge out with half a dozen 13 year old punk girls and laughed a lot and felt really cool.
Son Skull and Surrender at a house show.
Punk Shows at Bike and Bike, volunteering there every fri night to help girls learn how to fix their bikes. Quitting when i got burned out (did it for over two years) and feeling okay about it.
sex vid, son skull, white boss at the Pizzeria.
playing in Layla's backyard with Sex Vid, Nodzz, Gun Outfit
playing for the herd of elk in La Push...i'm serious. we started playing and they all came out of the woods to hang out by the house while we jammed.
Other Stuff:
Reconnecting with my uncle Shozo after 10 years of estrangment, one of two people on my mom's side of family that is alive. He showed me the only picture of my mom that exsist when she was a child... I got all choked up when I saw it. wasn't expecting that.
Marching in Shelton against the I.C.E. raids. Telling the tweeker lady that was riding around us on her bike screaming "GO BACK TO MEXICO" to "GO BACK TO GERMANY" and her looking at me really confused then leaving us alone. YA BASTA!
Hamming it up with the Pro Choice Peoples at the Pro Life rally.

Critical Mass in SF (WHOA!)
hanging out at abandon houses
eating joshua plagues's left overs at his house is sacto
volunteering off the cuff at the Sacramento bike kitchen. The other mechanics draged out the drum set bike kit that was buried in the back shed for me to play on with the kids.
Riding my bicycle to San Fransisco to attend BIKE BIKE! a conference of collectively run bike shops.
Facilitating a workshop at Bike Bike about Gender Issues in the Bike Shop, having 60 people attend and feeling like everyone's voice was heard.
hanging with my homie Brezzy in SF, another 33 year old sagitarius radical small business owner.
Having a record released on parts unknown.
Starting a new band, Broken Water, with really good friends abby and jon.
helping to program for the Olympia Film Festival
wining 2nd place in the Olympia 72 hour film comp with p style (i knew all the judges...)
winning the 2000 dollar audience award at the Strangers Hump amature porno competition with a short about two lesbians arguing. (didn't know any of the 3600 audience members!)
My Guantanamo Diary by Mavish Rukhsana Khan
Mycelium Running, How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World By Paul Staments
Sorry Out of Gas, Architecture's Response to the 1973 Oil Crisis
Design Like you Give a Damn, Architectural Responses to Humanitarian Crises
The Book of Movie Photography by David Cheshire
2666 by Roberto Bolano
(still working on it...)
For Lesbians Only
A Separatist Anthology Edited by Sarah Lucia Hoagland and Julia Penelope
The Collective Tarot, a magical collaboration. By Lori Lawrence, Jackie Davis, Clio Sady, Sacha Marini, and Annie Murphy.
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