best of olympia:
Occupy Olympia
Slutwalk /Consent Fest
Feminist Dance Party with Marissa Magic & DJ TV
Outlook at New Direction Fest & tape
Hysterics record release party after Slutwalk & 7"
Animals & Men, Western Hymn and M.O.D.'s at Northern
Grass Widow/Broken Water at Dumpster Values & Weird TV at Old School
Knife in the Eye opening for Broken Water/AWOTT/Sewn Leather
Les Blank & Maureen Gosling at Olympia Film Festival
Nuts#8 release party show
Polly Darton & Love Warz at Northern
Hooded Hags at Northern
Jonathan Richman reprise of Modern Lovers' Old World at Capitol Theater
KISS at Night of the Living Tribute Bands
Scout Niblet backstage at the Capitol Theater
Family Stoned - High Time Woman
Dead Head - Caroline Doesn't Know It Yet
Secret listen to new Son Skull record that isn't really out yet
Sewn Leather 12", new tape & live show
White Boss lp (didn't come out this year but I listened to it a bunch)
Harsh Nayyar/ Level Anchorage live & recordings
Earth at Northern
Kanako/ feminist book club
Sarah Adams feminist organizer of the year!
Hanging out with Marissa Magic in Olympia & collaborating on punk
Spider and the Webs practice: new songs, bass guitar!
Sara Peté & Kelsey Smith produced events at the library:
Anne Elizabeth Moore, Alice Bag, Missy Anne, Stephanie Coontz etc
Angela Davis commencement speech at TESC
David Barsamian at the Washington State Labor Council
My mom on the cover of Olympia Power & Light at Bank Transfer Day protest

personal best:
running 5 miles
fixing my teeth
djing with Amy Yao at The Raincoats/Grass Widow/ No Bra in Brooklyn
getting paid to write
london/paris trip
playing a show (it's been a few years)
lake chelan & lake cushman w/ family & friends
port townsend anniversary date
sarasota film festival & beach with jenn
road trip to sf with joaquin de la puente on highway 101
favorite books:
1. Jimmy James Blood by Missy Anne
2. Salvation City by Sigrid Nunez
3. Out of the Vinyl Deeps by Ellen Willis
4. Violence Girl by Alice Bag
5. Sempre Susan by Sigrid Nunez
in general:
1. "I don't call it rioting, I call it an insurrection of the masses of the people."- Darcus Howe
2. anti-racist feminist critique of slutwalk
3. GRRL added to Scrabble dictionary
5. Finland - I really want to visit
"I've had what I wanted, and, when all is said and done, what one wanted was always something else." – Simone de Beauvoir

also, this article on the Occupy Movement
my top ten records of the year are listed in the December issue of artforum
Best quote of the year. That whole interview was amazing.
1. "I don't call it rioting, I call it an insurrection of the masses of the people."- Darcus Howe
Smoke on the water/sewn leather/level anchorage/harsh nayar but mainly the smoke on the water tour was the best of 2011. second being the first smoke on the water show and 3rd best of 2011 was the third smoke on the water show.
obiously and duh,
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