someday I'll tell you the story of when Black Flag played at the Tropicana ...and the legendary standoff between Calvin and Henry...I used to actually have it on tape...I promise to get my scanner working after film festival and start updating my jigsaw scrapbook and archive
Huh. That actually sounds kinda funny. I'm cracking up just thinking about it!
Lois Maffeo has an account of the incident in one of her columns for The Stranger. She, uh, doesn't hold back on what she thinks of Henry Rollins.
yeah that's not my account, lois sure hates henry though!!!
what actually happened, briefly, is my friends and I were dancing during beat happening (let's kiss was the song I think?) and calvin was wiggling his hips doing the calvin dance and henry forced his way through the crowd of underage teenage girl beat happening fans, grabbed my best friends hand (we were 15) and put it on calvin's dick and held it there while he taunted him...then there was banter and a showdown...more to come later.
Hey Tobi, I wish you could share your tape with us, any chances? I'd love to hear the content.. Did you tape those shows? If you can send it to me by email :
there's also a guy that used to live on Olympia (I don't know if he still is) and does tape transferings at the best quality I've ever heard. He did a lot of that and I've got some of his transfers from past days. His name is Mike Z., maybe you know him.
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